Substance Abuse Treatment when charged with a Massachusetts OUI

Many of my clients can benefit from going to a substance abuse treatment facility. Often times we can use proof of attendance in court to show that you are making positive strides to reduce the chance of recidivism. These sort of actions, taken voluntarily by you are, always look good when presented in front of the judge. Even going to AA meetings once weekly will help your case significantly.
We know that many of our clients charged with OUI unfortunately lose their license and have transportation issues. This webpage was designed as a resource for you to find a local facility.
Spectrum Health Systems, Inc.Spectrum is a commonly used facility by my clients. They are located across Massachusetts, including in Waltham, Westborough and in Weymouth, to name just a few. You can find more information about the programs that they offer as well as a full list of locations on their website here.
Northeast Addictions Treatment CenterNortheast Addictions Treatment Center is located in Quincy, MA. They offer a variety of treatment therapies and programs. For more information visit their website here.
Gosnold Treatment CenterGosnold is conveniently located in Brockton, Stoughton, and in Falmouth. Each location offers different treatment options so it’s essential you ensure that the facility offers the type of program that you are looking for. For more information and for their contact information, visit their website here.
Boston A.S.A.P, or Boston Alcohol & Substance Abuse Programs, Inc.Boston A.S.A.P is a facility we very regularly send our clients to for a substance abuse evaluation. The program is located in Boston and offers outpatient services to those in need. For more information visit their website here.
Norcap LodgeNorcap Lodge is located in Foxborough, MA, and is a part of Good Samaritan and the Steward Health System. Both inpatient and outpatient treatment options are available and they accept admissions 24 hours a day. For more information about the programs they offer visit their website here.
Contact DelSignore Law for more information about your OUI case today
One of the biggest goals DelSignore Law strives to meet is to make sure our clients are informed and educated while their case is pending. We can explain the court process to you and recommend treatment that we feel may help your case. Make sure you talk to us before enrolling in a program. We will review the facts of your case to determine if it is necessary. Call or text us today at 781-686-5924.
For further reading on OUI charges in Massachusetts, learn more on our website here. While on our website you can also find the answer to some of our frequently asked questions.