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Articles Posted in Breathalyzer Testing


Breath Test Calibration Errors impact over 1000 DUI cases in Philadelphia

Up to 1000 DUI cases in Philadelphia may be impacted by a faulty breath test machine that was not properly calibrated.  What happened in Philadelphia is that an expired solution was used to calibrate the breath test machine.  This error was discovered by a DUI Lawyer likely in preparing one…


Refusing a breath test can result in criminal penalties according to recent US Supreme Court decision

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that states cannot make it a crime for a drunken driving suspect to refuse to take a blood test but can criminalize the refusal to take breath tests to determine alcohol levels.  The ruling will affect laws in 11 states.  The justices ruled…


Progress for the defense in Massachusetts Breath Test Source Code Challenge

The Statewide challenge to the accuracy of the breath test machine used in Massachusetts took a positive turn for the defense with a ruling from Massachusetts Supreme Court Justice Botsford. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that defendants in a set of cases should be provided access to breathalyzer instruments…


Is there a Right to a Lawyer Prior to taking a Breath test in Massachusetts, SJC hears argument in Neary-French

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court heard oral arguments in the case of Neary-French v. Massachusetts last week to decide the question of whether a defendant should be advised of his or her right to counsel prior to making the decision of whether or not to submit to a breathalyzer test. The 2003…


Massachusetts breath test source code litigation takes a step forward for the defense after hearing before SJC Justice

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Justice Botsford heard oral argument today relating to the Statewide challenge to the Alcotest breath test machine used to prosecute drunk driving cases in Massachusetts.  She heard appeals in the two challenge to the breath test source code, one arising from the Concord District Court and…


Challenge to Breath Test source code in Massachusetts heads to the Supreme Judicial Court

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court will hear argument in two cases relating to the statewide challenge to the reliability of the Alcotest 9510. The first case is an appeal from the Concord District Court, where over 500 OUI cases have been consolidated pending the challenge to the reliability of the…


Kansas Supreme Court holds that DUI test refusal statute is unconstitutional

The Kansas Supreme Court held in State v. David Lee Ryceheld that DUI tests are a search, and therefore a police officer is required to have a warrant if the driver does not consent to a test. Kansans can no longer be criminally prosecuted for refusal to take a breathalyzer or…


SJC decision on right to counsel prior to a breath test could impact admissibility of breath test results

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court will hear the case of Neary-French v. Massachusetts over whether a defendant should be advised of his or her right to counsel prior to making the decision of whether or not to submit to a breathalyzer test. The 2003 amendment to G.L.c. 90, §24 created…


The DUI Breath Alcohol Per Se limit should not be lowered from .08

Lowering the legal limit should be rejecting as punishing social drinking; it would not have any impact on reducing serious DUI accidents as these are not being caused by individuals with breath test results under .08.   Fox40 points out that this proposition is not new. The National Transportation Safety…


New evidence supports correlation between gastric bypass and higher breath test readings

The results of a sobriety test, such as the Breathalyzer or blood test, frequently play a crucial role in the outcome of a drunk driving case. When assessing how reliable the sobriety test results may have been, it is important to consider the medical background of the client and any…

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