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Articles Posted in Personal Injury


What to do after being an accident with a Lyft driver after recent court case

First Circuit Decides Important Case About Lyft Drivers  Rideshare services like Lyft and Uber have changed the world. Users can request a ride from pretty much anywhere on their app, making it a convenient option for nights out, trips to the airport, and even everyday use. These new apps have…


Massachusetts Escalator Accidents and Liability for injuries at Malls and Department Stores

Escalators are unique machines as they are in constant use but are rarely under supervision. Courts have considered under what circumstances manufacturers, installers, owners, or maintainers of escalators can be liable for injuries resulting from an escalator. Common Carriers In the United States, a common carrier is a person or…


Who is eligible for uninsured motorist coverage in Massachusetts?

An important type of insurance coverage is uninsured motorist coverage.  This coverage protects you if you are involved in an accident with someone that does not have any insurance or has insufficient insurance.  Recently, there was a case decided by the Massachusetts Appeals Court determining the scope of this type…

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