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Six Enter Innocent Pleas in Connection With Mansfield Beating

The alleged attackers of a man beaten at the Comcast Center in Mansfield entered innocent pleas in Attleboro District Court recently, The Sun Chronicle.

The newspaper reports that the 19-year-old victim was beaten so badly he was initially put into a medically induced coma at Boston Medical Center to aid his breathing.

Doctors also removed a spleen ruptured from repeated punches and kicks, the article states. The six suspects are charged with felony assault charges.

Felony assault charges in Attleboro are typically filed when a weapon was used or when the defendant suffers serious injuries.. How charges are filed can have a big impact on a sentence. An experienced Attleboro Criminal Defense Attorney can sometimes succeed in arguing for lesser charges.

According to the news article, the beating happened during a Tim McGraw concert and one witness described the beating as being so loud she could hear it over the music. The victim said he made a comment to a woman about her tattoo before he was attacked by several people he didn’t know. Witnesses allegedly pointed out the suspects.

All six are charged with aggravated assault and battery with disorderly conduct. Anderson is also charged with aggravated assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon — a shod foot — according to the article.

Some of the suspects say witness accounts vary, which may make the case tough for prosecutors. Another says they may have been involved in a fight, but not the larger beating alleged by police. Self-defense is being alleged as well.

In cases where there are many witnesses and many suspects, the facts can be difficult to prove. Being able to show, beyond a reasonable doubt, that each particular suspect was involved, can be a tall order.

Many times, the state will try to convince some of the least-culpable defendants to enter into a plea agreement in exchange for a lighter sentence so that prosecutors can use their testimony against the co-defendants. If the alleged suspects didn’t provide statements to police, it only bolsters their case because they haven’t implicated each other in the crime.

Assault and battery charges in Massachusetts can be punished by up to 2 1/2 years in prison and a $1,000 fine. Assault or battery with a dangerous weapon is a felony punishable by up 10 years in prison. It’s obvious that these charges are serious and can have long-term implications.

In this case, one of the defendants is charged with using his foot as a dangerous weapon. It can be debated whether or not a person’s foot should be considered a “dangerous weapon.” If not, it’s possible to have the charge downgraded to a less-serious charge or have it thrown out altogether.

That’s why hiring an experienced attorney is critical. Debating the issues, investigating the facts and finding holes in the state’s cases can make a big difference in whether a defendant is convicted and the potential penalty he serves.

If you are facing criminal charges and require a Attleboro criminal defense attorney, call to discuss your case at 508-455-4755 or 781-686-5924. You may also email through this website or directly at

More Blog Entries:

Assault Charges brought in Attleboro District Court against seven individuals: April 13, 2011
Additional Resources:

Attack suspects plead, by David Linton, The Sun Chronicle

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