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What to do if arrested for OUI in Massachusetts on New Year’s Eve?


DUI arrests on New Year’s Eve are often the result of polcie officers looking to make arrests; often police departments will receive extra grant money for New Year’s Eve.   Some of those arrest will be drinking socially and not under the influence, but arrested anyway and will have to go through the process of fighting the charge in court.  As a Massachusetts OUI Lawyer who handles these cases everyday, I will be available on the New Years Day and the 2nd to help answer your questions.  Many of these cases can be defended in court, you just need to understand the process.

With New Years Eve quickly approaching, many people are scrambling to find celebratory plans for the upcoming weekend. With New Year’s Eve  falling on a Saturday this year, local bars and restaurants are likely to be jam-packed for the night, and many people will fail to take into account their means of getting to and from these establishments.


The NIAAA (The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) has recognized that 40% of traffic-related deaths occur between Christmas and New Years by drunk drivers, and New Years Eve itself has been cited as being the day with the most arrests made by law enforcement agencies across the country. Additionally, Triple AAA has reported that nearly 90 million Americans will hit the roads between Christmas and New Years, further exemplifying the fact that the roads are a dangerous place to be this time of year. For a better understanding of Massachusetts statistic’s regarding DUI arrests, view the Mass DUI Statistics webpage here.

The high number of arrests during the holiday season are typically a result of the utilization of road blocks to catch impaired drivers. Many people forget to take into consideration the potential for these roadblocks and checkpoints when venturing out for a night of drinking. Just this past December alone, Massachusetts has seen a total of 7 roadblocks across the state, often popping up in various counties for various reasons.

Being arrested for a DUI, whether it is the result of stopping at a roadblock or simply being pulled over, may result in a host of penalties and criminal charges- with subsequent offenders subjected to much more substantial consequences. If you are pulled over at a roadblock, it is important that you understand the many defenses that may be available to help win your case in court. You can read more about these defenses here. If you end up in a sticky situation on New Years Eve, consider hiring an experienced DUI defense attorney  to help guide you along the process and answer any questions you may have.

Contact Attorney Michael DelSignore today at (781) 686- 5924.

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